Environmental Health Engineering And Management Journal- Registration Information
Registration Information

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2022/12/20 | 
First-time users:
Please click the "Registration form” in the registration section and then enter the requested information. Upon successful registration, you will be sent an e-mail verifying your registration.  After this stage, you can log in to the journal's site.

To change your password, please follow the steps below:
Enter your username→ click on the “Reset Password" button→ Insert your email in the box→ Verify the new password activation code which is sent to your email → log in to the journal's site with your username and new password

To check the reviewer's comments, please follow the steps below:
Insert username and password → Private page → Sent back to author revising →Profile → Review status→ view the review result
To upload the revised manuscript, please follow the steps below:
Insert username and password → Private page → Sent back to author revising → Edit → Upload the revised manuscript in the article main file part (with author names and affiliations)  and article file without name part → Upload the copyright form in the prerequisite file 
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